Sweet little Henry was welcomed into this world with so much love by his parents. He was born May 1st at 4:10 pm weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz and was 21 inches long. He came to visit me just 9 days later for his big photo debut. Henry is a very loved little boy. Not only did he bring his parents with him, but he brought three grandparents as well! His grandparents traveled all the way from Louisiana and from Texas to meet him and the stars in the universe aligned as everyone arrived and was able to meet the lucky little guy within a few hours of his arrival! Here is the sneak peek from Henry’s beautiful photo session. Smiling for his photos! This photographer wasn’t complaining one bit! Thanks for sharing your smile Henry!
Such a sweet, sweet little boy.
Baby hands and feet!!! Those teensy tiny fingers and toes!!!! I can never get enough of them!!! Loving the little details.
This is one of the proudest daddy’s I’ve seen in quite some time. Such love and adoration for sweet little Henry!
A very happy first Mother’s Day to Henry’s mommy!! What a wonderful gift to be able to give this family some beautiful three generational images to treasure always. Did you love these photos? Please leave some blog love below by sharing your comments!! Thank you!
Such a precious little one xoxo
What a precious little guy. You have capture this newborn and his family beautifully!!
What beautiful images and such variety! Welcome to the world little guy!